Platform Policies and Guidelines


These Policies and Guidelines (“Policy”) are part of the User Agreement– a legally binding contract governing your use of DAYMERA. You should read these Policies (“Policy”) in full, but here are a few key things you should take away:

1.    Professional Account Policy: Eligibility requirements include maintaining a complete and authentic profile and offering services aligned with Daymera’s platform categories. Conduct and content must adhere to terms of service, ensuring transparency and accurate representation of services.

2.    Intellectual Property Policy: Prohibits infringement of trademarks and copyrights, as well as the sale or promotion of counterfeit goods. Violations may result in account suspension.

3.    Misleading and Deceptive Identities Policy: Users cannot impersonate individuals or entities or use false identities to mislead others. Deceptive profiles or posts, including those using computer-generated images, are not allowed.

4.    Abuse and Harassment Policy: Users are prohibited from targeting others with abuse or harassment, including sharing adult or violent content. Violations can result in penalties such as content removal or account suspension.

5.    Consequences of Policy Violation: Penalties for policy violations depend on the severity and history of the violation, ranging from content visibility reduction to account suspension.

6.    Reporting Policy Violations: Users are encouraged to report policy violations through various channels to maintain community integrity.

7.    Privacy Policy: Users are prohibited from sharing others’ private information without consent, including threatening to expose private information. Such actions can lead to severe consequences and pose safety risks.

These policies aim to ensure a safe and transparent environment on the Daymera platform for all users.

Policies and Guidelines

The policies and guidelines described here make an integral part of the Daymera Terms of Service. The guidelines and policies objectives are made to make sure all Daymera users are able to freely and safely benefit from the Daymera Platform mission. Daymera’s mission is to give everyone the power to achieve personal or professional Goals individually or collaboratively through the platform, as well as the ability to book services available of the platform

1. Professional account policy

Thank you for taking the time to learn about Daymera’s policy for Professional Accounts on Daymera! With a Professional Account, you can:

·      Create Professional Profiles that will enable you to make your Services visible to individuals with a personal accounts on their mobile Daymera App. 

·      Connect with other Daymera platform user and chat

·      Advertise your services to your connected Daymera Platform users

·      Eligibility requirements and feature policies detailed here ensure that people and organizations can interact freely and safely on Daymera. 

Professional Account Eligibility Requirements

·      You must not have a history of repeatedly violating the Daymera Terms or Service. 

·      You must have a complete profile with an account name, a bio, and a profile picture, Services description, opening hours, services photos

·      Your authentic identity must be clear on your Profile. Your profile must not feature the identity of another person, brand, or organization, nor does it use a fake identity that is intended to deceive others. Profiles that feature animals or fictional characters are ineligible, unless directly affiliated with your brand or organization.

·      Your Services Offer must abide with services categories offered in the Daymera Platform.

Professional Account Conduct and Content Requirements

·      You must not have a history of repeatedly violating the Daymera Terms or Service. 

·      Your Business Ads cannot misrepresent your service offers

·      You must not publish, advertise or describe any adult themed content in any format such as image, video, text or sound.

2. Intellectual property Policy

Violation of this policy may result in the suspension of the infringer’s account. For queries related to this policy send an email to [email protected]

Trademark & Copyright Policy

You may not violate others’ intellectual property rights, including copyright and trademark. A trademark is a word, logo, phrase, or device that distinguishes a trademark holder’s good or service in the marketplace. Trademark law may prevent others from using a trademark in an unauthorized or confusing manner.   

It is considered a violation of this policy if you use another’s trademark in a way that may mislead or confuse people about your affiliation to the trademark. In case of any 

Counterfeit Policy

Daymera prohibits the sale of or promoting the sale of counterfeit goods on the platform. Counterfeit goods are goods, including digital goods, that are promoted, sold, or otherwise distributed using a trademark or brand that is identical to, or substantially indistinguishable from, the registered trademark or brand of another, without authorization from the trademark or brand owner. Counterfeit goods attempt to deceive consumers into believing the counterfeit is a genuine product of the brand owner, or to represent themselves as faux, replicas or imitations of the genuine product. 

Daymera’s trademark policy applies to uses of trademarks that may mislead or confuse others about one’s brand affiliation, other than sale or promotion of counterfeit goods. Daymera’s counterfeit policy applies to the sale or promotion of counterfeit goods.

3. Misleading and deceptive identities policy

You may not misappropriate the identity of individuals, groups, or organizations or use a fake identity to deceive others.

We want Daymera to be a place where people can find authentic connections. While you are not required to display your real name or image on your profile, your account should not use false profile information to represent itself as a person or entity that is not affiliated with the account owner, such that it may mislead others who use Daymera.

We prohibit the following behaviors under this policy:


You may not pose as an existing person, group, or organization to mislead others about who you are or who you represent. Accounts that violate this policy will misrepresent their identity by using at least two elements of another identity, such as the name, image, or false claims of affiliation with another individual or organization in their profile or posts.

Deceptive Identities

You may not pose as someone who doesn’t exist to mislead others about who you are or who you represent. This includes using at least one element of someone else’s identity on your profile or posts in a misleading way, such as using another individual’s image or making a false statement of affiliation with an existing individual or entity. We also consider accounts to be deceptive if they use a computer generated image of a person to pose as someone who doesn’t exist.

4. Abuse and Harassment Policy

You may not target others with abuse or harassment, or encourage other people to do so. Daymera’s mission is to give everyone the power to achieve personal or professional Goals individually or collaboratively through the platform, as well as the ability to book services available of the platform. Daymera must not be used to plan or promote Goals, To-Dos or Services that cause harm, abuse or harassment to individuals or group. 

To facilitate healthy Connections on the platform, and encourage individuals to connect with users or Services they are familiar with. We prohibit behavior and content that harasses, shames, or degrades others. In addition to posing risks to people’s safety, these types of behavior may also lead to physical and emotional hardship for those affected.

Adult Themed Content 

We prohibit the display, exchange or promotion of sexual content regardless of the format such as photo, image, text or sound for all types of accounts including personal and professional. This includes, but is not limited to:

·       Assigning Goal or To-Dos requesting, demanding or soliciting sexual unwanted conduct as well sending someone unsolicited and/or unwanted adult media (images, videos, and GIFs).

·       Engaging in unwanted sexual discussion.

·       Solicitation of sexual acts

·       Enlisting Services related to sexual act including erotic massages

·       Any other content that otherwise sexualizes an individual without their consent. 

Violence Themed Content 

There is no place on Daymera for violent and hateful entities, including (but not limited to) terrorist organizations, violent extremist groups, perpetrators of violent attacks, or individuals who affiliate with and promote their illicit activities. The violence and hate these entities engage in and/or promote jeopardizes the physical safety of those targeted.

You may not threaten terrorism and/or violent extremism, nor promote violent and hateful entities.

Violent entities are those that deliberately target humans or essential infrastructure with physical violence and/or violent rhetoric as a means to further their cause. These include, but are not limited to, terrorist organizations, violent extremist groups, and perpetrators of violent attacks. 

Hateful entities are those that have systematically and intentionally promoted, supported and/or advocated for hateful conduct, which includes promoting violence or engaging in targeted harassment towards a protected category.

Under this policy, you can’t affiliate with or promote the activities of violent and hateful entities. Examples of the types of content that violate this policy include, but are not limited to, doing the following on behalf of, indirectly, or directly for a violent or hateful entity:

·      Engaging in or promoting violent acts

·      Recruiting, or providing or distributing services (such as media/propaganda) to further stated goals

5. Consequences of Policy Violation 

When determining the penalty for violating this policy, we consider a number of factors including, but not limited to the severity of the violation, whether someone has been targeted, and an individual’s previous record of rule violations. The following is a list of potential enforcement options for content that violates this policy:

·      Making content less visible on Daymera by:

o   Removing the services from search results, in-product recommendations, trends, notifications.

o   Restricting the Service discoverability to the author’s profile

o   Restricting likes, replies, reviews, engagement counts 

o   Excluding the post from having ads adjacent to it

·      Excluding Services and/or accounts in email or in-product recommendations. 

·      Requiring post, service or business ad removal.

·      Also we may impose a freeze on the Service provider to post services or receive booking request.

·      Suspending accounts whose sole purpose is to violate our Abuse and Harassment  policy, or accounts that are dedicated to harassing individuals.

6. Reporting Policy Violations 

Any Daymera Platform user is entitled and encouraged to report perceived policy violations as it means taking care of our community. Reporting can be done via the mobile app, website contact us form or email us directly to [email protected].

7. Privacy Policy

You may not publish, advertise or post other people’s private information without their express authorization and permission. We also prohibit threatening to expose private information or incentivizing others to do so. In addition, you may not share private media, such as images or videos of private individuals, without their consent.

Sharing someone’s private information online without their permission, sometimes called doxxing, is a breach of their privacy and of the Daymera Policy. Sharing private information can pose serious safety and security risks for those affected and can lead to physical, emotional, and financial hardship.

Effective: March 1, 2024